Queens Tech Corner: Jennifer Lopez and Vanessa Ellers of EVLVE
It’s Queens Tech Corner time! The Queens Tech Corner is a regular segment on our Queens Chamber social media channels where we shine the spotlight on tech entrepreneurs doing exciting things right here in Queens.
This month’s featured tech entrepreneurs are Jennifer Lopez and Vanessa Ellers, co-founders of EVLVE, a lifestyle, community, and dating app designed exclusively for vegans, vegetarians, and the plant curious. To learn more, go to https://evlveapp.com
Can you tell us about your company and how you got your start?
As vegans living in NYC, we realized the need for a platform that connects the plant-based community. Our "super app" will serve as a one-stop-shop for all things vegan, whether it be for the purpose of finding love or friendships, local events, or education & resources for those just getting started on their journey. EVLVE is where plants unite people.
How do you and your company support the local community?
Once we are established, we hope to collaborate with local community organizations such as animal shelters and rescues, local food banks and co-ops that provide healthy vegan options, as well as grass roots organizations promoting community gardens and local composting programs.
What excites you about living and working in Queens?
We both live in Queens and we are excited about all of the initiatives that the borough has to offer for women and minority-owned businesses in tech. We're excited for all the new jobs and opportunities it will provide to the local community as it also continues to highlight the diverse queens community. The borough is so unique because it is the most ethnically diverse community in the world. It’s awesome to be able to live and work in the same borough that we call home. With such diversity comes the unique opportunity to embrace many cultures, meet people from all walks of life, and expand our knowledge of the world. It doesn't hurt that the food in Queens is the best in the world!