Queens Tech Corner: SoftSmile

It’s Queens Tech Corner time! The Queens Tech Corner is a regular segment on our Queens Chamber social media channels where we shine the spotlight on tech entrepreneurs doing exciting things right here in Queens.

This week’s featured tech entrepreneur is Khamzat Asabaev, the founder of SoftSmile, a Queens-based company that helps doctors model the most optimal treatment for their patients.

#QueensTechCorner #QueensTech #TechInQueens

Could you tell us a little more about SoftSmile and how you got your start?

SoftSmile is a tech company committed to providing doctors with efficient and reliable treatment planning software that greatly improves patient outcomes. We democratize orthodontic treatment by improving affordability and accessibility—the aligners or braces from your dentist or orthodontist will be at least two times cheaper, but way more reliable, thanks to our work at SoftSmile.

What kind of an impact has COVID had on your company and your services?

COVID did not slow our growth, but it has forced us to focus on dental enterprises as potential customers, rather than private practitioners. Work from home has allowed us to hire brilliant engineers from all around the world without breaking their habits or requiring them to relocate to NYC.

Why are you excited about the future of tech in Queens?

When you walk around Queens, you see many active people, working 24/7. It’s clear that technology continuously makes all our jobs more efficient and our lives easier. I believe that Queens, as a borough undergoing a fantastic transformation, will be both a hub where state-of-art technology will find grateful users, and a welcoming home for companies and people working in the tech sector. It is certainly the home SoftSmile and I have found in the city.

Anthony Djoewanda

Software Developer based in New York City. Originally from Indonesia and previously from Singapore. Anthony started his career in ecommerce prior to transitioning into Software Development. Background education in Computer Science, Software Development, Web Design and Business.


Queens Tech Corner: Genova Designs


Queens Tech Download: 09/01