Queens Tech Corner: Max Cho of Coverage Cat

It’s Queens Tech Corner time! The Queens Tech Corner is a regular segment on our Queens Chamber social media channels where we shine the spotlight on tech entrepreneurs doing exciting things right here in Queens.

Tell us about your company and how you got your start. 

Coverage Cat is an online insurance optimizer. Shopping for insurance has always been a chore full of spam and phone calls — but with Coverage Cat, it’s a single signup, and then we do the shopping for you, finding you the best insurance to match your needs. My interest in insurance started back in high school when I knocked out a few of my teeth and had to deal with the insurance headache of replacing them. I was taught a hard lesson about the mismatch between what people imagine insurance will cover and what it actually does. 

What is your latest project, and why are you excited about it? 

Our latest project takes millions of different auto insurance prices and makes it so users can browse them and figure out if they’re getting a good deal, rather than just producing a single “on average, this car insurance company is best” number. You can check it out at https://www.coveragecat.com/carrier-comparison.  

What connection do you and your team have to Queens? 

I’ve lived in Queens for the past seven years, and I am delighted by the way the borough continues to evolve its traditions and welcome newcomers. We started the company here because it was convenient for my cofounder and me to work together—at my kitchen counter. 

It’s Queens Tech Corner time! The Queens Tech Corner is a monthly profile where we shine a spotlight on tech entrepreneurs doing exciting things right here in Queens. This month’s featured tech entrepreneur is Max Cho. 

 Max is the Founder & CEO of Coverage Cat, an online insurance optimizer that simplifies insurance shopping by providing personalized recommendations and comparing options to find the best coverage for your needs. To learn more, go to https://www.coveragecat.com/.   


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